Haris Rana

Welcome to my portfolio page displaying more about me and my career journey!

About Me

I recently graduated from the University of Rhode Island with a degree in computer science. I am an individual who loves creativity and innovation. I deeply appreciate the creative and design process that requires elaborate problem solving and expressiveness to reach the final product. I had found a deep love for problem-solving through projects that I had worked on throughout my college experience and through the internships I was able to take part in . I hope to work for a company either as a software developer or a product manager and utilize the creative design process on any project I work on.


My Skill Sets Through my career expereiences I was able to learn and acquire many unique skills.

  • Technical Efficiency
  • Continued Learning
  • Growth Mindset
  • Making Mistakes
  • Attention to Detail
  • Practice Makes Perfect

Being in technology it is important to have certain behavioral traits and charasterics that can help in your journey. These skills have represented what I have learned to my expereince and what I beleive sets me apart from the rest.


My current resume:


I have a couple of hobbies which include traveling, enjoying nature, fashion, spending time with friends and family, photography and videography, and being involved with my community.


Continue to Learn, Grow, and Experience I hope this gives a glimpse of my journey and where I hope to end up. I love the opputunity to try new things and learn day by day. Feel free to revisit my page and connect with me!

Get in touch

Connect with me Feel free to connect with me using my socials and contacts below. I look forward to your responses and connections!